Dad/Jokes Link Dump

Attention Conservation Notice, some random links, not even important ones, just to keep posting muscles working.

Justin Green memorial at TCJ

Forestry Dept. Amazon rainforest reporter is murdered. Also see.

Classic Rock Dept. I always thought the part where the harmony comes in on Ventura Boulevard was a ref. to the song Ventura Highway by America but I now see that they are separate roads…but is it still possible, this connection?

Classic Lit Dept. I am of course not a dad but when you get old and boring like me, you get interested in things that a younger you would have had no time for, distracted as you were by etc. Now I start looking more and more at, like, boring old Walt Whitman or weird old William Blake, so predictable and :rolls eyes: or like Bach or whatever, classic Dad hobbies, whatever, but then, also, when you’re my age, you’re kind of disappointed and dismayed to see that it’s all online for free, etc, yawn. I’ll get a book from a used bookstore? I’ve always meant to read that WJT Mitchell book about Blake (is it good?) or I’ll download this stuff from a Russian bit torrent site. Then it will really come alive.

My Nostalgia is Important to Me and Also Harmless Dept. Critical discourse that goes like: “but have you really looked at [forgotten neglected culture from my teenage years]?!” This tumblr posts a ton of pages of comics several times a day from a wide variety of things, amazing to think about the “curation,” tight or loose, of these blogs that have been steadily posting comics and adjacent for years. The whole Pinterest or Tumblr thing where you post your aesthetic can be powerful as it builds up over 10 plus years. Related, I continue to enjoy these comics review posts by Lars I. even when I disagree (which is not often but does happen.)