Subscribe to "F" in 2024


Here’s a Limited Time offer (?) for January and February.

Subscribe for 2024 directly from the FSHOP

Are you a subscriber? Wanna try it? Wanna come back, but avoid all the Patreon packaging?

Remember, I don’t care either way, so you may as well do it!

Subscribers get: e-zines most months, all print zines I make during the subscription (approx. 5/year), plus anything I self-publish. You also get bonus stuff like prints or zines that I only make for subscribers.

some of what went out in the mail in 2023

There is a ton of unpublished content in these “F” electronic zines…on the other hand maybe for a good reason: it’s not good? You decide!


The higher level subscribers (currently only available through Patreon) also have received custom drawings, studio detritus, and get first “crack” anytime I get around to selling new “original art”. (secret link for upcoming sales). Occasionally you also get discount codes you can apply to new items that appear in the FShop or Hidden Store.


you can subscribe on Patreon here: (LINK)


you can subscribe directly from me here (RECOMMENDED) (LINK),

or whatevs