Links - Around a year ago I read a book about Escher after years of thinking “should I read about Escher?” Is that corny? It wasn’t a great book, but it was a satisfying and stimulating and interesting. I wish I had been taught math using stuff like Escher and taught art with more emphasis on the math. I took a lot of notes, in my “Book Notes” notebooks, and hope to get around to posting them sometime. - White jazz expert writes a post about academic publishing, takes a long way around, etc., but I wanted to link to it to say as a fellow author I noticed how he brought up his own book in passing and was even like “look how affordable it is!” “Perhaps the whole episode suggests some thing ineffably English. You can decide that.” This got me to order Glossary of Greek Fishes interlibrary.

Curses: Notes

-from Oct.’22 e-zine

These are spreads from the October e-zine, where I’m writing notes and digging into the files about CURSES. In the coming weeks I’ll be digging through this old material for a new edition, and I’ll post some stuff if/when I can. There will be more in the e-zines. Subscribe here.

Links - A free online resource, featuring millions of pages of books and magazines from the histories of film, broadcasting, and recorded sound. - Terrifying, plausible that Microsoft will be the one who succeeds with VR/AR.

Living in a place like this has helped me realize, as a lawyer, how profoundly our system of real property law is stacked against the natural order, and what a tall order it is to try to reinvigorate the idea of the commons in the face of public and private institutions addicted to the accumulation of surplus from the land they occupy. It has also helped me see with stark clarity the challenges in balancing the need to provide housing for our fellow humans with the need to leave room for our animal and plant neighbors, on a planet whose habitable space seems to be rapidly diminishing. - “The Nebbs illustrates how the conventions of the domestic comic strip visualized a tension between personal and social lives, self and society, that spoke to the complexities of modern American experience that was singular in American art and clearly invaluable to readers.”