priced=*()*=to move

Occasionally I sell pages of comics I draw, as well as various drawings, doodles, and studio detritus. If you are interested in buying a page, send me an email and I’ll link you to an updated list with prices etc. Here’s a look at some pages I have put up for sale recently.

Epistemology Charts

Defense Charts yesterday, this today.

Hired Thought is an amazing name. One problem with “biz.viz” graphics (peace to my friends still in the trenches) is how immediately out-of-date they often look, like immediately. The out-of-date-ness combines with something that I’m still trying to come up with a good name for—lack of a sense of humor is close, but not exactly it…earnestness+complexity—where the result is really funny to me. I hesitate to write about it, because believe me I sympathize. If the tweet embeds correctly, you can see some people involved…Headshots are also tricky. Best go with bald and glasses, like some sci-fi-lite feel, the “brainiac-cyborg-you-can-trust”. Avoid anything like “Big Daddy Slides” or “Cool Chart”

Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 10.55.57 AM.png


This was crazy to just see on Twitter. I was literally a 2 minute walk from the video on the bottom. These guys drove past me a little after this video was taken. I was walking nearby on the phone, paused as they drove past, loved it.

New Comic, and Bundle

New comic book is out and for sale in the shop: Rumbling Ch. 3 and Rumbling 1-3 Bundle.

Frenzy of Comics Activity in Chicago, Illinois

Anya Davidson wrote an article (link) at the Comics Journal reporting on the “Chicago Comics” exhibitions and shows going on around Chicago right now that includes a lot of photos of the show Iona and I put on here in “Gridsport” neighborhood, back in June. I’ll include some photos I took, but for closeups of many (all of?) the comics aht that was on the walls, check out Anya’s article.

I haven’t posted about this yet, but we had a “get together” and art show at our place on June 19. It helped me move in. Iona did a lot of work hanging the show. Here are some photos of the installation.

And here is a list of artists, even though you can’t really see no order:

Iona Fox

Paul Nudd

Marnie Galloway

Keiler Roberts

Max Morris

Jeffrey Brown

Kevin Huizenga

Conor Stechschulte

Sam Szabo

Mike Centeno

Cooper Whittlesby

Lane Milburn


Recent work - NYTimes Kids, Internazionale

I was asked to illustrate 3 comic strips about bullying and de-escalation for the New York Times Kids section. Here are some looks at the process. At first I colored it with bold colors, then we pulled that back a bit. They handled the design and the words.

Also, back in the magazine Internazionale with another in the “Postcard from Fielder” series. I’m still trying to find an English language magazine home for it. Included also below are two reviews of The River at Night in Italian.

Big Sheets Panorama

These “big sheets” hung in the window in Gridsport, Chicago, my new home…


F "e-zines"

Instead of this blog, most of my energy this past year has been going into e-zines…

So? The last three “electronic magazines” I’ve been posting for my subscribers (at Patreon) have been made temporarily AVAILABLE TO NON-SUBSCRIBERS. If you’re interested, check them out, and consider signing up to receive future issues. They are around 32 pages per month, sometimes 50! (sometimes 24).